
O*H*I*O Masters Lifetime Achievement Award

O*H*I*O Masters has initiated an award to recognize our members who have greatly impacted the club through service, performance, or both. Service to the club, sportsmanship, participation in regular competitions, high level of achievement in USMS competition, and passion for O*H*I*O Masters swimming community should all be considered.  

Use this form to submit your nomination to the committee.

2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

Sid Hall

2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

Luise Easton

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

Tom Spence

2021 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

Marianne Brogan and Yoshi Oyakawa

2020 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

Lilly Kron and Peter Van Dijk

2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

Betty Russ and John Daily 

USMS Dorothy Donnelly Service Award

This award is presented annually to USMS registered individuals whose volunteer service has contributed to the growth, improvement, or success of U.S. Masters Swimming locally, regionally, and/or nationally. Individuals are selected based on their accomplishments that meet the USMS goals and objectives.

  • O*H*I*O Masters member Ann Marshfield was selected as a 2020 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters member Judi Norton was selected as a 2018 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters member Margaret Bayless was selected as a 2014 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters member Tom Spence was selected as a 2012 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters member Dan Cox was selected as a 2011 recipient of this award.

USMS Kerry O’Brien Coaches Award

This award recognizes USMS coaches who are building our membership in communities throughout our country. Originally named the Grassroots Coaching Award, it has been renamed to honor Coach Kerry O’Brien of Walnut Creek Masters, who embodies the passion, dedication, and heart that these coaches bring to the pool deck. It is with the efforts of individuals like these that U.S. Masters Swimming will most certainly move to a greater level.

  • O*H*I*O Masters coach Chuck Beatty was selected as a 2023 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters coach Judi Norton was selected as a 2022 recipient of this award.
  • O*H*I*O Masters coach Bob Babiak was selected as a 2010 recipient of this award.

Ted Haartz USMS Staff Appreciation Award

This award celebrates our volunteer roots, as well as our future, specifically by recognizing one volunteer each year who demonstrates excellence in assisting and supporting the National Office staff with its professional duties of serving our members and promoting Masters Swimming.

  • O*H*I*O Masters member Dax Cox was selected as a 2020 recipient of this award. Dan was part of a team that won the award for their work this year helping with Covid -19 relief planning for the organization.

USMS All-Americans

To be recognized as attaining All-American status, a swimmer must post the fastest time in an event/age group in at least one course of the three official courses as listed in the USMS Top 10 Tabulation or in one of the recognized Long Distance Championships. For pool events, swimmers may achieve Individual All-American status for the fastest time in individual events or Relay All-American status for the fastest time in relay events. Listings for all are available here. To request your All American certificate and patch, fill out the appropriate order form: individual pool, individual long distance, or relay.

Lake Erie LMSC All-Americans (Individuals)

Lake Erie LMSC All-Americans (Relays)

USMS All-Stars

USMS has been naming All-Stars since 1987 and starting in 1995 USMS began naming long distance All-Stars as a separate category. Pool All-Stars are those who have achieved the most first place finishes in their age group during the year in Top Ten competition. Long Distance All-Stars are named on a total point basis from the results of all long distance championships.

Lake Erie LSMC All-Stars